This is a new low even for Mullen Lowe

First published 6th of July, 2016
Less original: by Mullen Lowe – Kuwait
First published December, 2018
Here we go again…
Copycat, cut & paste and plagiarism are synonymous with theft, fraud and lack of creativity all of which are turning our industry into a commodity.
Stealing someone else idea and attributing it to yourself is bad enough but to win a pitch for a major luxury automotive brand in Kuwait and make huge financial benefits with a stolen idea is a crime that should be punishable by law in my view for the following reasons:
It does not show respect towards the Art Director who is credited with the original idea who happens to be a fellow industry practitioner – one of our own big family.
It does not show respect towards the client who is most likely paying an arm and a leg for the agency “creative work” while unwittingly being set up by the agency for a probable lawsuit due to their own plagiarism and betrayal of the client trust.
It does not show respect to any one of the numerous agencies that spent sleepless nights brainstorming, researching, sketching, crafting, etc. etc. only to lose this pitch to Mexican Art Director Oscar S. who is clueless of the fact that his work which was plagiarized by Mullen Lowe actually won the pitch for the Mercedes Kuwait account.
It does not show respect towards the Mullen Lowe international brand and creative work by their own management and team in the Kuwait office.
What is your opinion? which point best resonated with you? please let us know in the comments section. we would love to hear your mind.