Those of us who use the media
are shapers of the society
Louai Alasfahani's Paragon Arts Initiative
Paragon Arts is a non-profit CSR initiative with focus on art education, social attributes, entertaining elements and information platform aimed at further promoting the art movement in Oman and contribute towards exposing Omani artists onto wider global audience.

Louai Alasfahani's
commitment to social responsibility
Kuwait’s coveted first Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Award for dedication to the reinforcement of social values and for their noble services to the Kuwaiti society. Paragon International is the only advertising agency in Kuwait to win a Corporate Social Responsibility Award for its public service and public awareness campaigns and work towards the society.

Louai Alasfahani with Nick Vujicic during his
seminar co-sponsored by Paragon International
Nicholas James Vujicic is an Australian motivational speaker born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of arms and legs.