
I have previously contributed the above examples (along with other examples) to Arab Ad magazine which they published in the December, 2003 issue. Vol. 13. No. 11. Page: 155. In the article titled “who’s who? Let’s discuss it!”.

BMW Mini Cooper – 2003
Creative Director : Alex Bogusky,
Agency : Crispin Porter + Bogusky Miami (USA)

Volkswagen Golf GTI – 2007
Source : Advertising Goodness,
Agency : Ogilvy (South Africa)
Source of above two examples: Gone with the wind / Idée éventée
The Jeep ad was created by Bozell Worldwide; the Lexus ad was created years after by Al Hudhud Kuwait.
A copycat is a person that mimics or repeats the behavior of another. The term is often derogatory, suggesting a lack of originality. The expression may derive from kittens that learned by imitating the behaviors of their mothers. – Wikipedia.
“When we all think alike, then no one is thinking” – Walter Lipmann.