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All dressed up and nowhere to go

Client: Playstation

Agency: TBWA, Paris

Creative Direction: Jorge Teixeira, Luis Christello

Art Direction: Marcus Kawamura

Copy: Jorge Teixeira

Photo: Joao Trabuco

France – 2000

Awards: Cannes Lion, Press Gold .

How can a metaphor be used to grab the viewer’s attention and emphasize the associations of a product feature?

Featured in a book by Mario Pricken titled Creative Advertising, Ideas & Techniques From The World’s Best Campaigns. Page:157. ISBN: 0-500-28476-8


Original photography – 1973

Source : Photo Magazine 67,

Photographer : James Wedge.


Cuerpo y forma Body Treatment – 1999

Source : Cannes Archive,

Agency : Kraneo

(Dominican Republic)

Published in Creativity magazine. June 2006 issue. Page: s10.

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