Client: Domino’s Pizza
Agency: Paragon Marketing Comunications
Country: Kuwait
Year: 2006
Client: Sable’
Agency: Horizon FCB
Country: Kuwait
Year: November 2008
From the looks of it…our X-Client Sable’ still loves our ideas but not our prices.
Many agencies who cannot offer creativity tend to lure clients with cheap prices; they sometimes even offer free artwork to sweeten the deal. In this case the artwork was not for free it was less than 1/3 of what we had charged them – it might as well have been for free
Dear readers; I would like to mention that during our short term working relationship with Sable’ we lived up to our brand promise and delivered them with creative work that won Gold at the KAAA 2008.
Source: Arab Ad August 2008, Vol. 18, No. 8. Page:161.