Here is yet another intresting e-mail sent in by Kris which I would like to share with everyone with a Talent….
Hi Louai … “BEAUTIFUL REPRODUCTION” of the french ad … same concept … The text actually is a English translation of the French ad … Can You believe this? (how your perception changes when you drink and drive) THE United Nation ad is the Not-So-Original ONE … found on the deviant art page of a “Creative” from Talent Ad Agency Kuwait … And the Funny comment under the ad … This ad was a “Gift for [ United Nations Road Safety Collaboration ]” … Did i mention the “Talent” guy doesn’t know how “pirson” (PRISON) is spelled … lol … GOOD JOB TALENT!!! You “didn’t” it again!!!

Client: “Fake” UN
Agency: Talent
“Fake” Designer: Seif El Degwi
Country: Kuwait

Upon doing some more investigation into this copycat crime I dug up the original ad. So its officially Safe to communicate the fact that Seif El Degwi copied the copier of the original ad which was first published in India as per the following details. So he (Seif) copied the copied idea, the headline and the art direction!!!!!!!!!

Don’t Drink and Drive
Advertiser: Triumph Distillers & Vintners
Agency: SSC&B Lintas
Country: India.
The above example is published in the ACT (Advertising Community Together) Responsible advertising exhibition, 2006 booklet. the exhibition was held in Kuwait here is a link IAA Kuwait presents 2008 ACT expo advertising for a better world