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Moo Zain = not good

Agency: Team Y&R Dubai

Client: Harvey Nicholos

Year: 2013

Short listed in Print and Outdoor!!!! There are some other examples of this BIG idea and art-direction which involves a toaster suronded by (obviously) toast bread and yet another one with a deodorant can surrounded by “screws” and yet another one featuring a pencil sharpener and pencils, one more features an electric socket and a plethora of plugs.

Check out the link Shocking creativity

October 2004

Less original: Zain

Agency: JWT

Creative Director: Mazen Faied

Kuwait – Jan 2008

Hmmm, so much like the MTC…I mean Zain; cupcake/spoon ad.

copy an idea, replace the coffee with a cupcake and voilaaa you have a Zain ad but that does not mean it is a good ad.

Client: Cafe’ Supreme

Agency: C3

Country: Kuwait – 2009

A copycat is a person that mimics or repeats the behavior of another. The term is often derogatory, suggesting a lack of originality. The expression may derive from kittens that learned by imitating the behaviors of their mothers. – Wikipedia.

Plagiarism: The abuse of another’s original work by copying it and passing it off as one’s own. As defined in Alastair Campbell book titled The Designer’s Lexicon. Page: 293 ISBN: 0-304-35505-4.

“Imitation is the sincerest form of thievery” excerpt from a book by Capsule titled Design Matters. Page: 84. ISBN -13:978-1-59253-341-1.

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