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Kwik Kopy

Client: Selton Insecticide

Agency : DDB Advertising

Featured in: Cannes Lions Archive

Country: Uruguay – 2005


Entrant Company, City: FP7, Dubai Country: UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Advertising Agency, City: FP7, Dubai Country: UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Executive Creative Director: Marc Lineveldt Creative Director: Vincent Fichard Copywriter: Vincent Fichard Art Director: Souliman Alchair Photographer: Groovy Illustrator: Souliman Alchair Typographer: Souliman Alchair Art Buyer: May Farhat Account Supervisor: John Lacy Advertiser’s Supervisor: Ahmed Abdel Kareem

It is really sad to have awards giving out to shameless copy-cats specially at the Dubai Lynx. This won both a silver in Print campaign and a Silver in outdoor campaign!!!

Now is the true test for the Dubai Lynx credibility; will they practice what they preach? see for yourself the rule pertaining to copy-cat and spoof ads posted on Anubis titled “Good Move Dubai Lynx”.



Lateral Thinking: When a low probability line of thought leads to an effective idea, there is a “Eureka” moment and at once the low-probability approach acquires the highest probability. – Edward De Bono. Excerpt from a book by John Townsend & Jacques Favier titled The Creative Manager’s Pocketbook. Page: 2. ISBN: 1-870471-69-5.

A copycat is a person that mimics or repeats the behavior of another. The term is often derogatory, suggesting a lack of originality. The expression may derive from kittens that learned by imitating the behaviors of their mothers. – Wikipedia.

Plagiarism: The abuse of another’s original work by copying it and passing it off as one’s own. As defined in Alastair Campbell book titled The Designer’s Lexicon. Page: 293 ISBN: 0-304-35505-4.

“Imitation is the sincerest form of thievery” excerpt from a book by Capsule titled Design Matters. Page: 84. ISBN -13:978-1-59253-341-1.

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