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Egyptian Old Fart Tarek Nour steals 14 TV commercials to launch his own TV station

They stole 14 different creations, used them as their own without crediting the originals or even mentioning them and profited from doing so.

The work was done for profit to promote the launching of the TV station owned by the owner of multiple advertising agencies and TV production companies; he goes by the name Tarek Nour who openly admitted to copying 14 promos (so far) and is considered a creative legend in Egypt.

This only goes to show the true status of creativity in the Middle East. copy past. copy anything from anywhere and past it anywhere but most importantly never forget to enter such work in creativity awards as bragging rights are as important as getting a raise, or getting new clients and undeserved respect from people whom you take for granted and deem ignorant!!!

I hope we do not see this work on next year short-list at the Dubai Lynx. The following are some examples of the original content which Egyptian Advertising industry Top Dog Tarek Nour copied  the ideas from and used them as promos to launch his TV station during the month of Ramadan!!! This guy will stop at nothing.

The videos have been removed by Tarek Nour from Youtube trying to cover up his crime, however tow of them are still available on Smells like a dirty copycat / Ça sent bon la mauvaise cope and Thinking about copycat? / Touché coulé!

Berlitz Language School – 2006

Source : Cannes SILVER Lion, Cresta Awards Winner, Eurobest Silver, One Show Silver & New York Festivals Gold Worldmedal!

Agency : Bates United Oslo (Norway)


Published in Al Dustor Egyptian newspaper on August 21, 2009

Published  in Campaign ME. 20 September – 3 October, 2009. Page: 34.

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