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cuts like a knife

Knife as Bookmark – 2007 Source : One Show Design 2007, Silver Pencil, Agency : Grey Worldwide Beijing (China)

Featured in Communication Arts magazine. Advertising Annual 48. December 2007 issue 357. Page: 76.

Knife as Bookmark, J.A. Henckels Knives – 2007 Source : Cannes 2007 Bronze Lion, Agency : McCann Erickson (Singapore)

Client: Tramontina  Precision Knives.

Title: “Ultrathin slices”

Agency: Leiaute Propaganda, Salvador, Brazil

Creative Directors: Raul Rabelo, Carlos Andrade

Art Director: Victor Azevedo

Copywriter: Thiago Rezende

Photographer: Marina Palmeira

Published: July 2009

Via adsoftheworld

Here is another twist on the same concept

“To dramatize how precisely Wüsthof knives can cut an onion calendar was created, in which an onion was cut into 365 slices. Precisely as many as there are days in the year. Perfect for a tear-off calendar.”

AgencyServiceplan, Germany Creative Directors: Alex Schill, Matthias Harbeck, Helmut Huber, Florian Drahorad Art Directors: Christian Sommer, Ivo Hlavac, Sören Porst Copywriters: Nicolas Becker, Tom Hauser Account Supervisor: Lena Inderwiesen Photography: Layoutsatz 2000

Via [ibelieveinadv] Production Company: Pinsker Druck & Medien

Lateral Thinking: When a low probability line of thought leads to an effective idea, there is a “Eureka” moment and at once the low-probability approach acquires the highest probability. – Edward De Bono. Excerpt from a book by John Townsend & Jacques Favier titled The Creative Manager’s Pocketbook. Page: 2. ISBN: 1-870471-69-5.

A copycat is a person that mimics or repeats the behavior of another. The term is often derogatory, suggesting a lack of originality. The expression may derive from kittens that learned by imitating the behaviors of their mothers. – Wikipedia.

Plagiarism: The abuse of another’s original work by copying it and passing it off as one’s own. As defined in Alastair Campbell book titled The Designer’s Lexicon. Page: 293 ISBN: 0-304-35505-4.

“Imitation is the sincerest form of thievery” excerpt from a book by Capsule titled Design Matters. Page: 84. ISBN -13:978-1-59253-341-1.

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