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Another lump or bump?

Advertising Agency: McCann Erickson Portugal Creative Directors: Diogo Anahory, José Bomtempo Copywriter: Emerson Braga Art Directors: André Lopes, Rita Andrade Account Supervisor: Sônia Correia Producer: Rui Paz

Dubai Lynx Direct & Sales Promotion Gold STRESSBALL

Type Of Entry: Product & Service Category: Fundraising, Charities, Appeals, Non-Profit Organizations, Public Health & Safety Title: STRESSBALL Advertiser/Client: FRIENDS OF CANCER PATIENTS  Product/Service: BREAST CANCER AWARENESS  Entrant Company: JWT DUBAI Country: UNITED ARAB EMIRATES DM/Advertising Agency: JWT DUBAI  Country: UNITED ARAB EMIRATES   

Awards: Dubai Lynx Awards, 2009 (Gold Lynx) for Fundraising, Charities, Appeals, Non-Profit Organisations, Public Health & Safety Dubai Lynx Awards, 2009 (Bronze Lynx) for Ambient: Small Scale

This has been awarded GOLD at the 2009 Dubai Lynx in the Direct & Sales category. 


The same BIG idea, the same client category, the same execution, the same cause, the same solution, the same etc. etc. etc.

Now some wise guy will jump in and claim telepathy; well it is interesting how some of the creative directors in this region possess such powers and have so many reoccurring telepathy’s. oh and after awarding such creative directors with gongs we must send them off to judge the MENA Crystal like what recently happened.

Lateral Thinking: When a low probability line of thought leads to an effective idea, there is a “Eureka” moment and at once the low-probability approach acquires the highest probability. – Edward De Bono. Excerpt from a book by John Townsend & Jacques Favier titled The Creative Manager’s Pocketbook. Page: 2. ISBN: 1-870471-69-5. A copycat is a person that mimics or repeats the behavior of another. The term is often derogatory, suggesting a lack of originality. The expression may derive from kittens that learned by imitating the behaviors of their mothers. – Wikipedia.

Plagiarism: The abuse of another’s original work by copying it and passing it off as one’s own. As defined in Alastair Campbell book titled The Designer’s Lexicon. Page: 293 ISBN: 0-304-35505-4.

“Imitation is the sincerest form of thievery” excerpt from a book by Capsule titled Design Matters. Page: 84. ISBN -13:978-1-59253-341-1.

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